22 Razas Alienigenas Nos Visitan,por Alexander Backman(contactado)\ulnone En conciencia radio de Mexico el contactado A.Backman,nos habla de las 22 tipos de razas alienigenas que segun el nos visitan hay de dos tipos Regresivos como los reptilianos ,que se niegan a la evolucion humana y progresivos como los azules que estan a favor de la conciencia global humana,nos explica como son cada una de estas especies ,sus rasgos y propositos y como no las conspiraciones en las que estan metidas,segun el en el area 51 y otras tantas subterraneas viven miles de estos seres en convivencia con cientificos y militares humanos,donde efectuan experimentos sobre todo geneticos y tecnologicos,si te gusta la ciencia ficcion disfrutaras de este programa.de la radio mexicana "Conciencia Radio"
1. Ciakar | Reptilian | Alpha Draconis smaller star solar sys Thuban-(Anwar) Giansar, Grumium,Eltanin. |
2. Vega / Lyrans | Human | Small star systems which orbit Sulafat, Albireo |
3. Orion | Human/Reptilian | Small star systems that orbit Alnilam; stars named: Syclopesus, Rigel, Betelgeuse |
4. Cygnus Alpha | Human/Aquatic Bird | Smaller star solar systems which orbit around the Central Suns: Deneb, Sadr, Gienah, Albireo |
5. Arcturians | Human/Reptilian | Smaller star systems around Bootes |
6. Pleadians | Human | Small star solar systems which orbit Taygeta, Maia, Merope, Pleione, Alcyone |
7. Reticulans (Zeta) | Reptilian/Plant | Small star solar systems that orbit between that stars Achernar and Canopus |
8. Sirians | Human/Reptilian Aquatic | Muliphen, Murzim (small sister star) stars between Wezen and Aludra |
9. Alderbaran | Human/Reptilian | Small cluster of solar systems that orbit around the star Alderbaran |
10. Andromeda | Human | Many star systems that orbit Almach and Mirach Central Suns |
11. Mizarians | Human | Large star solar systems located between Alcor and Mizor |
12. Mintakains | Human/Aquatic | Orion- small stars around Central Sun |
13. Cassiopians | Insectual / Aquatic | Central sun- Caph, Ruchbah, smaller stars; 19 solar systems |
14. Canes Venatici | Reptilian (benevolent) | Triple Sun system; no name |
15. Pictorians | Animal, Human, Yeti (Sasquatch) | Double Star System near Kapteyn's Star |
16. Antarians | Human | Solar systems lie in a binary star System that orbits the star |
17. Sagittaria | Human/Feline | Very large star systems between Nunki, Ascella, Media, and Kaus Australis |
18. Nibiruan (Anannaki) | Human/Reptilian | Bootes (Tarshem) |
19. Tau Cetians | Human | Star solar system that orbits between Menkar and Mira |
20. Capellians | Reptilian (neutral Now) | Three star solar systems held by gravity of the Central Star Capella |
21. Procyons | Human | Single and binary star solar Systems- rich in mineral Deposits |
22. Hyades | Human | Binary star solar system near Alderbaran |
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